Atto Jennifer

Atoo Jennifer

ATOO JENNIFER was born in December 1983. She has 2 children. Ivan Oncencan who is 15 years old and Camboni Daniel who is 5 years old. Jennifer is originally from Kimora. Her living condition was bad before coming to the Women Refuge Center. Abaana’s Hope saw how she was and how she was living in Kimora. She was caring for her mother at this time and it was hard. On April 7, 2014 she moved to the Women Refuge Center. Abaana’s Hope taught her skills and how to save. God has allowed her to save and purchase land and build a home. It took time and prayer to find the land at the right price. She gives thanks to God for everything. She found it very difficult to come and work here, but knows that everything is from God and should appreciate and give thanks. Jennifer is amazed that God can use her to roll beads because she thought she couldn’t do it.

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