Abalo Joyce

Abalo Joyce

ABALO JOYCE was born in 1975. Joyce is from Omel and has 6 children. Her children are Denis, Keith, Vicky, Sunday, Brain, and Morris. God’s grace brought her to Abaana’s Hope. She is a widow. Relatives have either died or ran her off her land. Carolyn told her there was work at Abaana’s Hope for her. At the time she was doing small business to support her family. She told Carolyn about her life, but at the time there was no work for her at Abaana’s Hope. Then Myron asked the women at the refuge center if they knew of anyone that needed help. Carolyn told Myron about Joyce. They then brought Joyce in to counsel, shared the gospel, and moved her into the Refuge Center. During her time living at the Refuge center she learns to take care of the pigs and to save her money to buy her own land. The ministry has given her a job at Life Beads, which helps supports her family. Joyce is giving thanksgiving to the ministry. Her children are going to school and she can provide for her family now. Continue praying for understanding of God’s word, peace at home, strength and direction.

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